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Amazon Crime$ at RDU1

Doggy daycare at Amazon HQ

CAUSE is a worker-led union at Amazon RDU1 in Garner, NC.

Dog Care For Corporate But Not DayCare for Employees?

There are many parents struggling to afford child care on the pay we make at Amazon. The median cost of child care for an 8 year old is $8,000 a year, according to the Department of Labor, and childcare becomes more critical in the summer months when school is out. This gets even more complicated around Prime day where there is Mandatory Extra Time and a freeze on vacation time.

While we struggle to figure out child care, Amazon headquarters in Seattle has onsite doggy day care and dog park. If Amazon can afford such luxuries we should be able to afford child care, and have our own childcare provided. After all, is it asking too much for our children to get more attention than dogs?

Photo of a job offer for Amazon union-buster

Who is "Employee Relations"?

Amazon's Global Employee Relations exist to police us while we form a union. According to their website, "the Global Employee Relations team promotes, safeguards, and advocates for Amazon's positive direct relationship with all Amazonians". This "direct relationship" is the isolated relationship we have with the screens, surveys and message boards at Amazon. What they don't want is for us to come together in a union like CAUSE. They are in the building to try their best to talk us out of it.

But why try to stop us? Forming a union is legal, in fact it is a protected right for workers. Forming a union is the only way for workers to have a seat at the table to tell the corporation what we deserve. Why is Amazon so invested that they pay people over $100,000, or in some cases over $3,000 a day, to try to convince us to be satisfied with $39,000?

What other right do you have that your employer will hold classes and trainings persuade you not to use it? Imagine if a team was flown in to to tell you not to vote, or not practice your religion. That is what is happening to us because it is just as much as of our right to form a union as to vote. Do not fear your own rights and freedoms. Fight the fear, join CAUSE.

CAUSE Demands :

  • Higher pay: $30 per hour for all Tier 1 & 2 Associates

  • Increased time off: 180 hours & paid sick leave

  • Longer breaks: 1-hour paid lunch

This article was first published by CAUSE.


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