$1.50 and Amazon Prime is not a gift or a raise. It is a small part of what Amazon should have been paying us! Amazon has only raised pay a total of $2.50 over the last three years, less than the cost of living has increased. You’ve seen how much more you have to spend on groceries, how much your landlord has raised the rent. $1.50 does not even begin to cover it.
An RDU1 associate will now start at $18 an hour, less than half of the minimum living wage for an adult with a child in the Raleigh area - $41.23. Even a single adult must make $25.30 an hour to have a living wage. If you are still not making a living wage, a pay increase is not a raise, it is a joke!
The only reason Amazon has even made these meager pay increases is that they are scared of us unionizing. They made the starting wage $15 an hour in 2018 because they felt threatened by the Fight for Fifteen movement. This time they are frightened by CAUSE and all the other unionization efforts throughout the world. Do not get it backwards: Amazon throwing out extra pennies in raises is proof that we need a union more than ever! It is proof that us coming together can bring real change, not pocket change!
UPS warehouse workers recently won record wage increases, going from $15.50 an hour to $21 an hour and guaranteed additional raises that amount to a $10.25 an hour increase over five years. UPS workers have better wages and benefits because workers put pressure on the company while the Teamsters union bargained with the company. Their union-run healthcare, TeamCare, has a $0 monthly payment, $100 deductible, out of pocket max of $1,000, as well as full dental, vision, and disability coverage.
We can fight for what we deserve with CAUSE! Amazon gave us a crumb of the $574 billion they made last year so they can say we don't need a union. In 2022 and 2023 Amazon paid an outside group of people over $14 million to pretend to be co-workers and bad mouth unions because they are afraid of the power of organized workers. Amazon is afraid because it knows that workers united in the CAUSE can win far higher wages and better working conditions and benefits if we come together. The first step? Sign a union authorization card and get your friends and family to sign too!
This article was first published by CAUSE.
